Friday, January 29, 2010

Meet The New GAP Girl!


I have a lot of goals that I want to reach in my acting. Some are short term goals that will lead to bigger long term goals. Right now I have decided to work on my short term goals so I can see faster results which will encourage me to keep pushing forward. I just realized that being on TV or becoming famous isn't the only success that I will receive while on my journey. I will achieve success everyday by doing minor things like mailing out postcards to agents, making phone calls, going on auditions, attending an acting workshop, and introducing myself to someone important in the industry. Now I know that all of the little things add up, and they are the reason that the BIG things happen in the long run. My ultimate goal is to star in feature films, and TV sitcoms, but another major goal that I'm focusing on at this point in my life is to book a national commercial. I have set up a lot of short term goals to help me reach my goal of becoming a commercial success, and then I will finally have my 60 Seconds of Fame!!!

Lol I've always wanted to say "Have your people call my people" not to be stuck up or anything, but it sounds so cool:) Anyways in order to say that well know phrase I HAVE TO GET MORE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! OK so I do have representation for print and minor representation for commercials, but I need BIGGER and BETTER representation so I can be sent out on more print and commercial auditions. I have decided to work smart and not hard. Now back to my short term goals... I've narrowed my agent list down to 7 well know NYC agents, and I created a email campaign so that I can send them my website links, and photos whenever I do something new or have important updates. The campaign is so cool because I can see what agent actually opened my emails, and it even tells me by name which agents clicked on my website URL!!!!!! Now I can track who actually is keeping up with me. I ordered postcards and sent them to my 7 FAV agents requesting meetings with them, and I have set up meet and greets with 4 agents from my list for next month in hopes of getting at least one of them to represent me for commercials!!!!!!!! My short term goals are becoming a reality. Everyday I see major short term success! I'm so excited about marketing myself as an actor, because MARKETING YOURSELF is really about 85% of the business. I really care more about being KNOWN than being seen. With being known I will definitely be seen a lot!

I'm so excited for next month!!!! I have my commercial copy ready to read, and I'm giving them the greatest commercial candidate they have EVER seen!!!!!! YAY Brandi!!!!! Yes I have to hype myself up because in reality I'm kind of buggin out about it!!! Think about it... I'm meeting with people who see new talent everyday so that means that I have to make a character choice and perform my copy like they have never seen it before. I will be reading a GAP commercial, and I want them to visualize me Brandi Renee Washington as the new GAP girl! That's my goal for my meetings. After I perform well and knock their socks off I will send each agent a Thank You Card. This allows me to thank them for their time, mention my appreciation for any feedback that they gave me, and it just gives me a reason to market myself again! Now I know that I may have to meet with these agents more than once before they want to represent me, but I will be determined and consistent with getting one of these 7 agents to rep me! It will happen, and when it does I will be UNSTOPPABLE, now it's time for some ACTION!!! Pray for me please!!!!
~Blog Spot Girl

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Meet-Cute


There is a lady named Jessie. Jessie is a tough cookie that's not fully baked so she's a little chewy in the middle. In other words she puts up a front to protect her feelings with men, but once she falls in love... she falls HARD! Keep it simple and honest is her motto... NO NEED TO GET IN TOO DEEP!!!! Her life is full of excitement... if you think that nights of listening to Robin Thicke's 1st CD on repeat while painting your nails is exciting... Oh and don't forget her religious nights of watching Love Jones and Brown Sugar, but OH NO SHE'S NOT LOOKING FOR LOVE! Anyways, Jessie is a hard working woman with a lot of potential. She is an actress and she is working hard to become known. She has a great support system of friends, family, and mentors. The one thing that is missing from Jessie's support line up is an amazing man to compliment her by just being there during her journey. Jessie really wants this in her heart, but to protect her heart she puts up walls of concrete to make sure she doesn't get hurt. Her problem isn't that she doesn't want a good man, her problem is that she thinks there's NO SUCH THING!

Jessie starts her daily routine with getting ready to head to her local gym for 30 minutes of cardio, 200 crunches, 5 sets of 20 squats, and a little weight lifting. When she arrives to her gym she searches her pockets and bag for her wallet which holds her gym pass, but it's no where to be found! Jessie's pretty frantic while ransacking her bag since she's the type of person that doesn't lose or forget ANYTHING!!!! Well about 5 minutes of searching had gone by and out of the blue a strong voice says... "Don't worry about it, You can be my guest today and workout under my membership". Jessie takes her eyes from out of her bag, and looks up to the face of a handsome, tall, chocolate man. "My name is Will" he extends his right hand to hers, and she responds back with a simple grasp and shake of his hand while saying "I'm Jessie, Thanks Will"... They smile at each other, and thus begins a new life for Jessie and Will. IN HOLLYWOOD This is what is called the MEET-CUTE. In the film The Holiday Elli Wallach's character Arthur Abbott (a retired Hollywood screen writer) describes the meet-cute by saying "Say a man and a woman both need something to sleep in and both go to the same men's pajama department. The man says to the salesman Ted, I just need bottoms, and the woman says, I just need a top. They look at each other and that's the meet-cute.


It's too bad that life doesn't always have the fairytale meet-cutes, but we indeed have meet-cutes. Just sit back and think of how many times you have met anyone under situations that were least expected. If you can think of one YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED A MEET CUTE! Let's get back to Jessie.. Okay I'm not going to front I'M JESSIE!!! There I said it!!! I hate being hurt... IT SUCKS!!!! A little over a year ago I experienced the worst pain associated with LOVE and I NEVER want to feel that pain again! On the flip side I would LOVE to have a companion to share my life's journey with. My friends are more open, direct and honest about what they want in a mate, and I on the other hand am very confused... Idk what I want! I just want some one to KEEP IT REAL, and I want to have a good friend, who loves God, respects me, and cheers me on while I accomplish my dreams. Much more is needed to complete that order, and of course I need to fit his needs in return. DANG I want a meet-cute that will turn into a fairytale!


I think that relationships are important to anyone, but especially to an artist like myself. I know it sounds bias but please try and hear me out. Imagine having a career that everyday you went out on auditions and got rejected, you are told what you need to change about your appearance, you are told that you are too old or too young... Shit it seems like you can't get anything right!!! Then your parents have their lives, your friends have their relationships, and your sisters are at a different level than you in life. Wouldn't it be GREAT to come home to someone who's arms are open wide to give you a HUGE hug, someone who is genuinely interested in how your day went, and someone that loves you for every flaw that you have? Those casting directors, and agents don't love me they just want to find the right person for the job. I would love to one day have a good man who loves me regardless of my resume, and I would love for him to grow with me as my resume grows. How great would it be to look in the crowd during a performance to see my boo smiling and cheering me on?!!! I love the thought of it!!! SHUT UP MIMI and TOIA!!! I know y'all got jokes on this blog entry because I always talk down on love, but it's my honest feeling and prayer. I too can have it all and live happily ever after.
~Blog Spot Girl

Friday, January 15, 2010

Crick In My Neck:(


At 4am Thursday morning I arrived at my apartment in Harlem and literally fell into my comfy, cozy bed after a night out with some good friends, drinks, and even better convo:) I was soooo tired that I have NO recollection of what happened after I got under the covers. I try my best to say my prayers every night, but that night my Lord knew my heart... Anyways the next day I awoke to a stiff, and unpleasant feeling on the right side of my neck, back, and shoulder blade... I had an official "crick in my neck" UGH! You know the term " I must have slept wrong" Well I thought that I had "slept right" because I went to bed right away and had a sound sleep, but the way I was feeling in the AM confirmed that I definitely had slept wrong!....Is there really a right or a wrong way to sleep? What did I do differently in that one night that I didn't do any other night? The pain was so intense that I looked it up on line, and it said that the average person experiences a crick in their neck about 1-2 times a year??? DANG! I mean its pretty brutal.. as I'm typing now I'm experiencing a lot of discomfort. It's now day 2 and the pain is just as bad as day 1!!! It's affecting me so bad that now everything in my daily routine is coming to a halt! Seriously this crick HURTS!!!!


Man! I'm not trying to complain because there are people going through worse things than a stupid punk a$$ crick, but since this is my blog about my life dammit I'm going to VENT;-) Moving along... This crick business really had me thinking and relating it to my life in general. Hey! Anything in life can teach you a lesson, and in this case a crick did the job! I realized that a crick in my neck represents all of the obstacles that I'm facing everyday with my acting. Right now with this crick I feel trapped, held back, pain, discomfort, restricted, and the list goes on. Wednesday in my scene study class I felt everything that I just mentioned about my crick after preforming my scene in front of the class, but instead of the crick being the culprit it was FEAR. I was afraid to make a choice... In acting you have to make a character choice. You can't be a flat character with no substance. Every character makes a choice from the way they move, laugh, speak, sit, talk, cry, kiss etc... I was given a scene to perform, and I worked on it really hard, and tried different approaches or choices, but when it was time to perform in front of the class and our teacher who is a casting director I HELD BACK! For some reason I was afraid to stand up for my character and make a choice. I played her bleak, and very safe...smh. I really don't know what happened, I just didn't take a risk and trust my choice.


Failing in my scene study class was a great lesson learned, because that experience of fear has never came onto me that strong before. I really needed to feel that so I can fight tooth and nail to never feel it again! Sure I will fall short at times, and fail to get things right but I will fail TRYING! Fear will not be the reason why I have failed! Shoot CRICKS will come on a regular but the best way to deal with them is to acknowledge them and take a chill pill to alleviate the pain. Never ignore a crick and think that it's going to get better... You have to work them out slowly, and then the healing process can begin. After my scene I was instructed to come in front of the class to get my critique. I was told that I would be more interesting playing my opposite on stage, and that the two of us should switch roles, and try again next week. LOL it was funny because after that was mentioned I realized that was exactly the problem I was having. I felt like the character that I was portraying wasn't my type and the character that my scene partner was playing was totally my kinda girl;-) I was holding back because I was out of my range. It all made sense!!! I'm sure some of you reading this are saying "If your an actor, you should be able to play anything!" WRONG! You can't always be a jack of all trades! You just have to be GREAT at what you do... Now that's being a great actor!!! You have to know what you have and work with it... I can play spunky, funny, around the way girl, stuck up mean girl, nuerotic, and romantic comedy types.... Those are my areas that I have been told by experts that I'm good at. The more refined, snooty, dramatic love roles are a little out of my range. I know I can pull almost any role off, but I also know what I can do BEST...Why not perfect what I'm good at and make it MINE? If I could choose to give 80% or 100%... I would choose 100% ANY DAY!


So now I laugh in the face of a crick... MOO-HA-HA-HA! (evil cartoon laugh that the bad guys always make). Seriously...I now understand that I just have to take my time and find out what the problem is, and then slowly take care of the sore spot in a generous way. I will listen to feedback and suggestions without being on the defense, and I will make it a point to try and avoid the crick in the 1st place lol. I will try my best to "sleep right" and avoid the darn CRICK! It's just too bad that life's cricks don't come 1-2 times a year like the ones that we get in our necks... Damn statistics (Whomp Whomp).
~Blog Spot Girl

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Waiting Game...


Now I am a full time auditioning actress/print model and It's all about the grind at this point. Last week I had two print auditions with well known companies that my agency sent me out on, and I believe that I did pretty well. One in particular kinda threw me off because my age range for acting/modeling is in the late teens/early 20's but when I entered the studio everyone was looking at me like I wasn't supposed to be there and I thought I was at the wrong audition lol. I walked up to the main desk, signed in, turned in my headshot , and grabbed the stats sheet. As I was filling out my height, waist , and bust size I looked at the bottom of the page and saw that the only age range that was being sought after was early to mid 30's...I'm like WTF! No offense to people who are in their 30's, hell I'm almost there but the point is that I DON'T LOOK LIKE IT!... It's seems like no big deal, but in my career it is! Sooooo I held my cool, finished filling out my paper, and got in line. After the audition I called my bff Mimi who has the same career, and I told her that my agent must have made a mistake! She laughed saying that I must have been a WILD CARD, and that they may have wanted to see how the ad would look with a younger person just in case the slightly older person didn't work out... I felt better knowing that:) After I got off the phone with Mimi I forgot about the audition, and moved on to the next one the following day. It is VERY important for me to forget and move on after my auditions because I can't kill myself playing "The Waiting Game" It is the most agonizing feeling! You feel like the world has stopped spinning, time has frozen, and all you hear are crickets chirping (or whatever noise darn crickets make)... OK it's not that bad, but it can be pretty brutal if you allow it to be. TRUST me I've been there, but no more!!! All you can do is move on and if you are what they were looking for, they will call you! It's really that simple because If you know you had a good audition, and you know that you would be excellent for that part chances are you were a perfect candidate. Think of all the other people who may feel the same way. In their eyes they were perfect candidates too, but the reality is there is only a spot for a few people and sometimes only 1 person gets the job. 1 out of 100 people on average depending on the type of call goes on the same audition that I do, and we all have the same goal... TO GET THE JOB!!!! Here are a few things that I have learned along the way that will help you understand how the audition circuit works, and how you may be able to enhance your chances of booking the job or at least make a lasting impression on the casting director, and be booked in the future (in no particular order):

1. Enter the room with confidence like you belong there! No one is going to hire someone who is not sure of them self. You deserve to be there, you are an actor/model dammit and you are AWESOME!

2. Listen to the casting directors directions, and do what they ask of you! The thing that bothers casting directors the most is to give a direction, and it's not performed properly. Even if you don't nail it, they can still tell when you have listened and tried.

3. No APOLOGIES!!!!! If you make a mistake ask to start over, but never apologize!

4. Slate your name with personality! When you're asked to slate PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say it with style, character, and show your true self! The slate is the first thing that they will hear from you on camera, and it can be a great 1st impression. Don't be BORING! Don't over do it, but say it with confidence. Let your voice be heard!

5. Be generous with yourself. If you need a moment to get into character before you read your lines...take a moment! The worse thing you can do is start when you aren't ready!!!!!! The casting director really appreciates when actors don't just jump into reading their lines, because they know that you are being generous with yourself and with their time.

6. Don't be weird!!!!!! Too often I see actors come in with crazy shit on! I'm like WHOA!!!! They go too hard it seems... If the audition is about firefighters PLEASE don't go rent or borrow an entire Firefighter suit!!!!! That mess is crazy!!!! Unless your agent tells you that the CD wants you to be in full costume DON'T DO IT! Instead dress close to the part like blue T-shirt nice pair of dark jeans or slacks, and some clean black shoes... It's a casual approach and is a great way to showcase the blue collar working individual. Better yet create the visual for the CD without going overboard. Who am I to tell you how to do it lol...Use your own judgement... GET IT?!!!!

7. Be pleasant at ALL times! You never know who's who... The secretary could be the CD's daughter, and if you are nasty to her be sure that she will let them know!!!!

8. Breath! It's sounds funny but I sometimes forget to breath in my auditions, and boy do the nerves come out lol. When you breath your body relaxes better, your voice is stronger, you feel more paced, and in control of the situation. You are the actor not them so show them what you got while having it all under control:)

9. Have different options... If you read one way and the CD asks you to read again but to try a different approach, you need to know how to do that. I really can't tell you how to do that, but what I do is use images to give me a different feeling or situation for the lines. With those images I will read the words that are on the paper and bring them to life while imagining. Do what works for you!!!!!

10. Leave as confident as you entered! If you feel like you did a crappy job NEVER SHOW IT! What you did could have been brilliant in their minds, and by you doubting yourself it could cost you the job!!!!!!!!!!!! Just say thank you and exit with pride!

These are just a few things that I live by, and they are helping me out in the long run. I'm not booking every job like I would love too, but it gives me a better understanding of the auditioning side of the business, and it shows that I have auditioning etiquette which is very important and crucial in this business!


This is the question that I ask myself often... After my agent calls me, I go on the audition, and instead of playing "The Waiting Game" I ask "Now What?" lol I can't believe I'm sharing this info , but I'm sure that someone out there feels me:) Just recently I have found the antidote to the "Now What?" problem... It's called POUNDING THE PAVEMENT! When I'm not in acting class or at an audition, I try my best to be productive throughout the day. If you find yourself saying "Now What?"... Read a book about the business, watch a classic film and take some pointers, research the local casting directors/agencies, learn all of the productions that are taking place in your city, read a play, practice your monologue, grab a Backstage newspaper and circle all of the auditions that you would like to go out on and GO! Get up, get out , and get something!!!!! Shoot! My girls and I get up in the AM and head to our office in Harlem (the local coffee shop in our neighborhood). We chat, sip tea, compare notes, send out emails, blog about our experiences, look for auditions/work, and then pep each other up to go out and POUND THE PAVEMENT!

Trust me the more you play "The Waiting Game" or spend time asking yourself "Now What?" time will pass you by and your career will be over before you know it! Set goals for yourself, and go after them. Instead of saying a goal or thinking it, write it down! It's more tangible, and it gives you something to look at and to build off of. You need to be involved in your life's plan because it is YOUR LIFE! My bff Mimi has helped me develop a 5 year plan for my life, not just my acting life, but my whole entire life. You can't be 100% in anything if you aren't taking care of all areas of your life. Planing out your life is KEY so that you will know what you have accomplished and how far you have to go.


I know that I will become a working professional actress if I put myself out there, grind, work smart and take risks. I know that I'm part CRAZY or "TIGER" (inside joke with me and bff Toia lol... Thanks Chris Rock!!!) for wanting to be in this profession, but Hey! This is me and this is what I want!!! I know that it's really about who I know and being in the right place at the right time... With knowing that I'm all about networking, and attending any event that I can market myself as an actress. I have the gift of gab and I'm gonna be sure to use it... This BEING BROKE crap isn't cutting it!!!! Shit! I'm HUNGRY for this life, so all I have to say is LET'S EAT!!!!!
~Blog Spot Girl

Monday, January 4, 2010

Let's Feed Eachother:)

NEW YORK CITY!... Just the sound of it gives me a special kind of feeling that I can't articulate. The smell of hot dogs and mustard in the air, the random people that are free spirited with no cares about what you think, the pride and culture within the city that is so mesmerizing. Now I am a part of this "Concrete Jungle, Big City of Dreams" and all the other names that describe this island that I love so much!!! I moved here a little over a year ago to pursue my passion of acting/modeling and I haven't looked back since. I have no where to go but up... Shit! I have nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing to lose! Lets get it!!!!

So here I am a year into my grind... Well it's really been Since 2005, but a year now that I am fully focused on acting/modeling and nothing else. I really appreciate my fellow actors, and the advice they have to offer. Sometimes the advice is given from an actor friend or sometimes I obtain tips, suggestions, and so much more by eavesdropping at a local coffee shop where artist hang:)No matter how I get the information I like to apply it, and pass it along to my friends. What I can't stand, what makes my blood boil is an actor who is so selfish that they wouldn't even help their closest friend who is doing the same thing! No matter what profession your in, you know what I'm talking about... The "Selfish Snakes" These are people who think that if they offer up any advice or vital information that it's instantly going to disappear from their brain and be ZAPPED in to yours:/ I'm like WTF! Helping someone else will never take anything away from you, if anything it will open more doors!!! It's kind of like the story of the family that was chained to a table, and they had a bowl of food in front of them and the only problem was that their spoons were too long so they couldn't get the food from the bowl to their mouths. This family was forced to be at this table for a reason. They were selfish, self centered, and down right greedy! The whole point of them being trapped to the table was to work it out. When life was at stake and a few days later they were fading from hunger an amazing thing happened... They were eating they were happy, and living in the moment. No, they didn't get shorter spoons so that the food could reach their mouths... They took their long spoons, and put them in each others bowls, and feed one another from across the table! In other words they stopped being selfish, and helped a fellow friend. With that attitude they all were fed, well, and blessed! Get it?! That's all people need to do, because no matter what... your time will come when it's TIME! That's why I love my friends lol we are a cool little tight knit group of individuals. We all have our very distinctive personalities, but we are all the same when it comes to the act of friendship. Whenever we need advice, an ear, or physical help at least one of us are there to offer support. I often laugh because some months my bank account is pretty empty like the stomachs of the family that I mentioned above lol... but seriously I may be up and down with my finances (for now:) but one thing that I can say I'm rich with are great friends who make my struggle much easier, and my load a little lighter by just being there,and being real!
~Blog Spot Girl