Sunday, April 25, 2010

Go GetHER!


I have a lot to be proud of over these past few months of the new year! New agent, new contacts, new ideas, and a new outlook on my career! I'm still trying to figure out the best way to GET ER' DONE and catapult myself into the industry, but I'm realizing it all will happen when I stop focusing on the outcome, and just do what's within me naturally.... Before I know it I will see results. I have so many ideas running through my head, but many times I can't figure out where to begin lol... Then I usually get frustrated and put things on hold for a while. I'm not going through that anymore. If I start an idea I will finish it or try real damn hard to exhaust all my possibilities before I put it on hold. This time around I will GET ER' DONE!!!


There are a few things on my to do list that I really want to see up and going in the next couple of months...
*Test shoot with a photographer to add more photos to my portfolio
*Create a personal website for my acting/modeling career
*Write ideas and scripts for upcoming web series w/Mimi
*Clean out closet, add new garments and rebuild wardrobe for auditioning (thx Toia)
*Start creating/writing my advice column lol YES I said it... It's gonna be more like my opinion lol
*Work on my monologue!!!! (I've really been putting this off for tooooooo long!!!!!!!!!)
*Work on getting more Commercial/Legit representation I'M GOING IN ON THIS!!!!!!!!

WHEW! That is a lot on my plate, and I haven't even started the planning stages on most of my list, and there is a lot more that I probably can't think of right now lol. I will check back in about my list SOON to give an update on how I'm doing.


I just created accountability! I put my ideas out of my head and into the universe so that now I have to do what I say! It's a lot of pressure, but It makes everything REAL! This journey is going to be a challenge, but I'm READY for it! Stay tuned....

~Blog Spot Girl

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Working Woman!


I have been running around NYC auditioning, networking, taking classes, and WORKING!!!! Yes I'm working multiple jobs to pay the rent, bills, and for all of my needs. I have a full plate, but at least the work I do is fun, flexible, and great for actors, and models. I will be back to blogging at my normal pace very soon... just getting adjusted. I just finished working the NYC Auto Show, and that was cool, very easy and good money. I did the Zac Posen for Target 24 hr Pop up Store in the city which was a star studded event and FAB!!! My fav event is coming up... EARTH DAY!!! I love to work and make a difference at the same time. PLEASE pray that the events keep pouring in, and I will continue to BANG out these auditions so I can make some real money OKAAAAAAY!!!!

~Blog Spot Girl